Saturday, 11 November 2017

Part IV English, Level III: 60 Marks

Part IV English, Level III: 60 Marks  
91. Which of the following books is not written by R K Narayana?
1. Grandmother of Tales
2. My Dateless Diary
3. The God of Small Things 

4. The Ramayana
92. Pick up the name of the poet who wrote the following lines in a poem:  “Thousands at his bidding speed/ And post o're Land and Ocean without rest:/ They also serve who only stand and wait.”
1. Robert Browning
2. Dryden
3. W. B. Yeast
4. John Milton

93. We are not going to visit Chandigarh tomorrow.
Select the right question tag from the following options:  
1.    Aren’t we?
2.    Are we?
3.    Have we?
4.    Haven’t we?
94.  I will ………………….you this morning and after discussing my problem will go back to Mumbai by the evening flight.
1. Call on
2. Call off
3. Call after
4. Call up

95. Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
1. Why not to discuss the matter right now?
2. He made his friend weep.
3. The boy who is standing there is Rajat.
4. None of them was absent from the class yesterday.

96.  Which is not the right synonym of the word: interlocutor
1. moderator
2. emissary
4. plotter

97. Which was Fielding’s picaresueque novel?
1.  Joseph Andrews
2. Shamela
3. Amelia
4. Tom Jones

98. Choose the correct indirect speech of the following sentence:
 The traveler said the stranger, “Can you tell me the name of any nearest inn?”
1.    The traveller said the stranger if he can tell me the name of any nearest inn.
2.    The traveller asked the stranger if could he tell me the name of any nearest inn.
3.    The traveller said the stranger if can he tell him the name of  any nearest inn.
4.    The traveller asked the stranger if he could tell him the name of  any nearest inn.
99. Identify the clause in the given sentence.
 My mother, who is of more than sixty-six years, is coming to meet me.
1.    Noun Clause
2.    Adverb Clause
3.    Non-defining Adjectival Clause
4.    Defining Adjectival Clause
100.  ‘Excessive love or attachment towards one’s mother’ is expressed by the term……..
1.    stream of consciousness
2.    ‘to be or not to be’
3.    Oedipus Complex
4.    dangling participle
    Answers: 91: 3 (The God of Small Wonders) 92: 4 John Milton 93: 2: Are You? 94: 1  95-1    96- 4   97-1  98- 4    99 3    100- 3

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